PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.
PHP is a influential tool for making dynamic and cooperative Web pages.
this is server side scripting language....
this is open source and free to use...
php is plateform independent.....
extension of php file is...
PHP is easily embedded with HTML.
PHP pages are ordinary HTML pages that
escape into PHP mode only when necessary.
Code for PHP calling in HTML:-
< ?php //php code start here
Hello Friends How are you!!!!!!
< ?php echo $name; echo $last_name; ?>
You are visiting our site at < ?php echo date("F j, Y");?>
Here echo is use for show output to the browser.....
date() is a php function...
F:gave us the month of the year.
j:date in numeric .
Y gave us the year in 4 dgit......
PHP is a influential tool for making dynamic and cooperative Web pages.
this is server side scripting language....
this is open source and free to use...
php is plateform independent.....
extension of php file is...
PHP is easily embedded with HTML.
PHP pages are ordinary HTML pages that
escape into PHP mode only when necessary.
Code for PHP calling in HTML:-
< ?php //php code start here
Hello Friends How are you!!!!!!
< ?php echo $name; echo $last_name; ?>
You are visiting our site at < ?php echo date("F j, Y");?>
Here echo is use for show output to the browser.....
date() is a php function...
F:gave us the month of the year.
j:date in numeric .
Y gave us the year in 4 dgit......
very nice blog.....
how can be used of join query.tell me n send my email id.thank u.
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